So as you may know. Last I finally managed to complete my Loremaster studies a few nights ago. It has been a long journey covering visits to many places all around Azeroth and even Outland. A look at some golden moments from each continent is the least I can do, now that I can call myself a Loremaster.
Kalimdor One of the more fun encounters in Kalimdor occurred during a research trip to Maraudon, we had been led there by stories of one of Cenarius offspring being trapped there and that five of the centaur tribes in Kalimdor are of his blood. And we truly found the spirit of Zaetar, one of Cenarius children deep below ground level. Always fascinating to meet the legends.
Eastern Kingdoms Andorhal, or more precisely the Ruins of Andorhal, in the Western Plaguelands has pulled me back from time to time to thrive into the lore of the city. Once one of the central cities of Lordaeron, and thus the center of distribution of goods like grain in the country. But the city was laid in ruins by the scourge and is now populated by the undead and lead by Araj the Summoner, the former headmaster of Scholomance.
This region has always been the place that I have traveled to when I start to research something new of the Scourge. It has proven a good strategy so far.
Outland The Kirin’Var Village in Netherstorm has an interesting story behind it that started when the Alliance ventured beyond the dark portal to end the threat from the Horde once for all. The wizards of Kirin Tor built this village before the world was torn appart. The surviving wizards have been trapped in the village since then.
Later Kael’thas destroyed what was left of the village with a Mana Bomb. To make things worse, many of the wizards that died have had their spirits brought back by the necromancer Naberius.
The Kirin’Var Village has a lot of history hidden in the ruins about what it was like to be trapped in outland during the years when the Dark Portal was closed.
Northrend The Frosthold in Stormpeaks is the home of the Frost Dwarves, most of the city is inside the mountain and not open for outsiders. Their friendship with the Alliance is all thanks to the Explorers League. This is one place that I still frequently return to and I must say that it is very interesting to get to know another race of dwarves. So much in common with other dwarves but at the same time so much different.
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