Event though most people will argue that Elwynn Forest is not forgotten as people tend to socialize in for example Goldshire. I must point out that most changes start right under our noses and then escalate beyond our imagination. Hence, I must document the Elwynn that we know today before it is too late. Most of the research and information gathering for this article was done by my dear paladin friend who we can call Wanilla.
The Timber Wolves of Northshire Valley have become diseased with something and the local residents are afraid of an epidemic among the animals. But the disease of the wolves is not the only change in Northshire, it seems that the Defias Thugs in the camp are not hostile anymore. You actually have to pick a fight with them these days. I have no idea what has changed their attitude towards ordinary people but I think that it is a change in the right direction. Now just hope that the rest of the Defias members adopt the change like their lowest members.
Just outside of the Northshire Gates, one of the rare Night Elf Mohawks has put up camp. If you believe what he says, you will be awarded with Mohawk Grenades!
A lot of strange things seems to be happening in the world today, and I will probably need to investigate more areas to see if this is a wide spread change or just something in the Elwynn Forest…
But let us continue with some other places that we hold dear. Even the Horde tends to visit some of them, but mostly not for the same reasons that the Alliance.
The main village in the area is Goldshire, this is where most people can be found. All profession trainers are in or around the village and class trainers can also be found here. This is one of the places where people like to hang around, talk and maybe duel against other people.
Lately the children of Goldshire have begun to stay inside and are not seen that much on the streets. Wanilla was able to track down where they hid. In the attic of the house where Helene Peltskinner and Adele Fielder reside. Well, to put it short. The children do not respond when spoken to and they just stand in a strange formation in the room. Evidently the atmosphere in the room was quite extraordinary and our heroine left the room without finding out if she had stumbled upon a childish play or something worse.
In the far east of Elwynn is a logging camp that is just plainly called Eastvale Logging Camp, the people here are really friendly and if you wonder where you can buy a horse or two, this is the spot. The horses are of nice breed and seem to like their human handlers.
To the north of Eastvale Logging Camp is a lake called Stone Cairn Lake, the strange with this lake is that it mostly consists of a huge island that these days is inhabited by Defias Rogue Wizards. In the center of the island itself is a stone monument called Heroes’ Vigil and was raised as a memory of the First War.
Somewhere midway between Goldshire and the logging camp is a tower that is simply called Tower of Azora. Inhabited by servants of Azora, be careful when approaching these people as they will drag you into their feud with the Tower of Ilgalar in Redridge Mountains, if this is not what you want then it will probably be best to stay away from this place.
In the far west of Elwynn is where the Westbrook Garrison is located. If you want to hunt gnolls, this is where you should head. Most of the western Elwynn is occupied by just gnolls, so there will be plenty of hunting.
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